AJ’s Archive
Ramblings & Recipes
I send out emails once/month to highlight posts from throughout the month. Enter your email to be added to the distribution.
(emails will be sent from ajsarchiveblog@gmail.com)

Banana Bread
Ahhh the sweet sweet smell of this classic - is it dessert? is it breakfast? who knows, but it is delicious. The perfect solution for those bananas you bought with the best intentions and then forgot about.

Chocolate Chip Cookies
The original, the one and only, the perfect pairing for a glass of milk… the chocolate chip cookie. Are there a million recipes out there for everyone’s variation under the sun? Sure, so why not add one more to the pile, who knows maybe this will end up being your favorite like it is mine.

Hidden Treasure Cookie
Are you ever indecisive about what dessert to eat? Well look no further, because this cookie is a 3 in 1 combo that will tick all the boxes and then some.